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Over the past fifteen years we have been involved as panellists, consultants and facilitators for a variety of events within the music industry with organisations such as BAPAM, Music Support, Musicians Union, CMU, The Great escape, Help Musicians UK and Tonic Music alongside various higher education institutes. See below for a brief overview of other media involvement.
Contributor to the BBC's 'mental health in the music industry' program.

BBC Help Musicians UK 'Music Minds Matter' Initiative interview
BBC HMUK Adam Ficek - Adam Ficek
Article for Royal College of Psychiatrists
Contributor to 'INSTA DJ' Social Media and the New Age Dancefloor
Contributor to NME & VICE: Why do music and addiction go hand in hand. Part one: alcohol
Contributor to 'SAY WHY TO DRUGS'
Dr Suzi Gage.
Contributor to NME & VICE: Why do music and addiction go hand in hand. Part Three: Heroin
Contributor to a chapter in Musicians & Addiction.

Contributor and consultant to Pioneer on 'Distant Dancefloors: Covid 19 and the electronic music industry.
Published autoethnographic paper on working as a musician through COVID.
Interview with Marshall Amps on being a 'musicking' psychotherapist.
FAC Contribution on 'Music & mind' why 'we' as musicians struggle.
BBC documentary on professional folk musicians and psychological struggle.
Book contribution, 'Sound Advice' Touring manual for all musicians.
Telegraph piece on the tragic loss and mental health contribution of Terry Hall.
Contribution to exploring music listening habits and wellbeing via Spotify playlists.
Contribution to 'Don't call me snowflake' by Lucy Nichol. Focus on musicking addictions.

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